Developing Innovative Pedagogies and Tools to enable the Establishment and Sustenance of Communities of Educators Promoting Empathy and Social Inclusion via Digital Stories for All
The Erasmus+ project Stories4all aims to develop, test and promote innovative pedagogy in school education. Teachers are to be introduced to digital storytelling across all subjects. A suitable methodology will be presented that demonstrates how creative methods can be combined with digital technology to enable the design and implementation of inclusive learning environments. This includes the development of learning resources and methods by teachers at universities as well as providers of teacher training on digital storytelling. In a broader sense, cooperation between teachers, students and researchers is to be promoted.
Students will be supported in the area of learning and teaching in formal, non-formal and informal contexts by familiarizing them with the practice of digital storytelling. Creativity and modern, multimedia digital tools are taught as opportunities for personal expression. The aim is to introduce an integrative learning environment as a model.
The project started in October 2023 and will run for 36 months (10/2023 - 09/2026).
In addition to JGU as the project coordinator, the following partners are participating: the adult education center PELICAN from the Czech Republic; the University of West Attica, the Technical University of Crete from Greece and the University of Warsaw from Poland.
Conference Recap: Stories4All
Our coordinators from Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz recently had the chance to introduce "Stories4All" at a Conference for teachers teaching German as a second or foreign language.
Sharing how storytelling can be a valuable tool in language education led to some fantastic exchanges with fellow educators dedicated to enhancing language learning. It was great to connect with others interested in creative approaches to teaching.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to learn more about our project!
First TPM at University Warsaw 8 July - 9 July 2024
Our first meeting with the project partners in Warsaw was a great success! In addition to intensive discussions about our common goals, we were also able to concretize the next steps of the project.
In addition, we offered a pre-conference workshop for registered student teachers and teachers of the EARLI Teacher Conference. In this workshop, we introduced the participants to the methods of storytelling and shadow theater.
Our project website is now online! It offers interesting insights into our project activities as well as regular news about digital storytelling and shadow theater. Interested parties will also have access to the upcoming materials we are developing as part of the project.
„Progress Update“
Over the past few months, we have been working intensively on the area of digital storytelling in order to advance the development of a methodological approach for Stories4all. In addition to an extensive literature review, we have focused on developing a quantitative research design in the form of an online survey for student teachers. Conducting online surveys enables us to precisely capture the needs and requirements of our target group. By asking specific questions, we determine the extent to which student teachers are in contact with digital storytelling and what their needs and expectations are with regard to suitable storytelling teaching materials.
At the same time, we are working on the development of our project website, which will serve as a central platform for information, resources and exchange with interested parties.
In July, all project partners will meet for their first transnational meeting in Warsaw. We will use this opportunity to present our current progress, discuss ideas together and define the next steps for the successful implementation of Stories4all.