The ZWW as Representative of European Continuing Education in Latin America

Head of the ZWW is invited to the Annual Conference of the Latin American Network for Continuing Education at Universities (RECLA) as Keynote Speaker

In early October of 2016, members of RECLA (Red de Educación Continua de Latinoamérica y Europa) came to the Universidad de Santiago in Santiago de Chile for their annual conference in order to discuss the future of Continuing Education in Latin America. The thematic focus of the annual conference was also reflected in its title „Proyectando la Educación Continua Universitaria“, stressing the ever-growing need for Continuing Education in academia. At RECLA's invitation, Dr. Beate Hörr, the Head of the ZWW Mainz, had the opportunity to represent and present European Continuing Education, which she did in the form of a Keynote in Spanish, covering the topic „La universidad como actor relevante en el desarrollo de conocimientos y aprendizajes a lo largo de la vida“.